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Was McGonagall a Ravenclaw?

McGonagall began her Hogwarts education at the age of eleven and was sorted into Gryffindor after being the longest ever Hatstall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

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Who is head of Hufflepuff House?

Professor Pomona Sprout
We can learn a lot from Professor Pomona Sprout, resident Herbology whizz and Head of Hufflepuff house – a truly eccentric inspiration. Can squibs see magic? Filch scanning students with a Secrecy Sensor In addition to being born into magical families, Squibs differed from Muggles by their knowledge of the wizarding world. They were able to see things that were hidden from the Muggles and use magical objects and creatures.

Why did Filch help Umbridge?

Filch joined umbridge because she represented the authority of the ministry. hes loyal and respects the law and he beleived that increased discipline was a good thing because hes bitter. How did Rita Skeeter been able to listen in on private conversations? The markings around her antennae are exactly like the glasses she wears. Hermione explains that this is how Rita was able to listen in on private conversations without being discovered in the Hogwarts grounds.

What kind of cat is Crookshanks?

Crookshanks's type of cat's face is known as a "pansy face". Based on these markings, Crookshanks would have the characteristics of a hansa Himalayan, or ginger Himalayan cat. He could also be a Persian, but due to his face shape the former is more probable. Many people get these breeds confused. Can cats see through invisibility cloaks? Cats (and most animals in general) rely on all of their senses more than people do. While a cat may not be able to see through an invisibility cloak they most likely would be able to hear or smell something there, which would naturally arouse their suspicion.

Why did Filch name his cat Mrs Norris?

Mrs. Norris is a weird name for a cat. J.K. Rowling has stated that she named her after a character in Mansfield Park, but as usual, she's not thinking hard enough about her own universe. For one thing, Jane Austen books -- like all other non-wizard media -- aren't read much in the wizarding world. Could a Muggle use a wand? Although he couldn't necessarily cast spells, his use of the wand produced a powerful enough blast that it "kicked like a mule" when waved. This further suggests that, within the world of Harry Potter, Muggles can use wands and access magic.

Can two squibs have a magical child?

And, conversely, the likelihood that the kid would also be a squib? I don't know the odds, but I'd say it's possible for 2 squibs to have a magical child since it can happen with 2 muggles.

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