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Who cut Anakin's arm?

History. On Geonosis, Anakin's right arm was severed at the elbow by Dooku's lightsaber. Anakin survived his encounter with the Sith Lord, and returned to Coruscant to recuperate and oversee the creation of a prosthetic limb.

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Is Rogue one the darkest Star Wars movie?

Having said all that I do think Rogue One now holds the title for darkest Star Wars movie given the death of the whole main cast, the more realistic tone to the war scenes, and the Vader massacre scene. Who is the strongest Jedi? Top 10 Strongest Jedi of All Time

  • Kit Fisto (the one on the right)
  • Plo Koon.
  • Nomi Sunrider.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi. Mark Rain, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr.
  • Mace Windu.
  • Revan.
  • Yoda.
  • Luke Skywalker.

What does a yellow lightsaber mean?

Yellow indicated a Jedi Sentinel, a Jedi who honed his or her skills in a balance of combat and scholarly pursuits. How many Jedi are left after rise of Skywalker? During the time of relative peace up to 25 ABY, the new Jedi Order seemed to be well and truly established as a force in the galaxy once more. The Order now numbered at least 100 Jedi, possibly more, with a number of Jedi Masters actively training new Padawans.

Is Rey pregnant with Kylo Ren?

Star Wars 9 ending: 'Rey is PREGNANT by Kylo Ren' in final scenes. Why does Rey kiss Kylo Ren? Did KYLO kiss Rey? Once she defeated Palpatine, Rey died and Kylo Ren brought her back through Force healing, at the cost of his own life. Rey kissed Kylo (now Ben as he returned to the light side), but the use of Force healing was too much for him and he died, becoming one with the Force.

Is Rey in love with KYLO?

She is the love interest of Ben Solo / Kylo Ren, who is the central antagonist later turned into the deuteragonist of the sequel trilogy. This canon ship is called Reylo by the fans. Rey is played by Daisy Ridley. Why did Rey call herself a Skywalker? Although Solo was the last of the Skywalker bloodline, Rey assumed the name "Skywalker" to honor their memory, repudiating her own heritage as a Palpatine.

Who is the old woman at the end of rise of Skywalker?

The old woman on Tatooine at the end of The Rise of Skywalker is played by Ann Firbank (credited as Annie Firbank), a veteran of the screen and stage who has been acting since the 1950s.

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