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What did Grindelwald say to Scamander?

After scoffing at the idea that MACUSA could keep him imprisoned, Grindelwald turns to Newt and speaks a curious phrase: Will we die, just a little? It was such an odd bit of wording that I wasn't even sure I heard it right at the screening, but I've since confirmed it in the screenplay book.

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Is Grindelwald jealous of Newt?

Depp says that Grindelwald is jealous of Newt, in a way: “I think there's a jealousy with Scamander. He sees Scamander as Dumbledore's protégé — his boy, in a way. That in itself is enough for Grindelwald to want to take Scamander down in a way that is ferocious and eternal.” Why is Grindelwald jealous of Newt? But like JD says, with Grindelwald, there was also jealousy. He was jealous because he knew that Albus was a very strong wizard, capable of becoming even stronger than him. And this insecurity he has also plays into his jealousy towards Newt, imo. JD: “I think there's a jealousy with Scamander.

Why does Grindelwald hate Newt?

"We All Die Just A Little"

Newt is the reason Grindelwald failed in collecting the obscurus, which he wanted to use as a weapon to reveal the Wizarding World to No-Majs, and Newt ends up capturing him using the Swooping Evil (one of his many magical creatures).
How did Newt know that Graves was Grindelwald? At the end of "Fantastic Beasts," Newt uses a spell called "revelio" to reveal (get it?) that Percival Graves was really Grindelwald in disguise.

Was Grindelwald a Slytherin?

Book 1 - The Prince of Slytherin

Grindelwald is mentioned by Ron Weasley, who erroneously states he was sorted into Slytherin House at Hogwarts.
What is wrong with Newt Scamander? Newt Scamander isn't without a superpower of his own, he is a wizard after all, but his autism, be it Asperger's Syndrome or something else, is not connected to it in any way. The fact that Newt's apparent autism isn't remarked on in the film is actually quite fitting for the time period of the film.

Is Harry Potter related to Newt Scamander?

As far as we know from the first two films in the Fantastic Beasts series ⏤ as well as all other releases in the Harry Potter franchise ⏤ New Scamander and Harry Potter are not related. Why is Newt Scamander so important? Newt's work clearly proved him the preeminent authority on the Magizoology subject, making him something of the Charles Darwin of the Wizarding World. This is a far cry his treatment in the films so far where he and his work are disregarded by most everyone except his friends and Dumbledore.

Who will replace Johnny Depp in fantastic?

Mads Mikkelsen
Fantastic Beasts 3: Trailer for third film The Secrets of Dumbledore released - as Mads Mikkelsen replaces Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp left the franchise earlier this year and has been replaced by the Danish actor, Mads Mikkelsen, who plays Gellert Grindelwald.

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