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What is Jon Snow's accent?

Eddard and the men – Jon Snow, Robb, Theon Greyjoy, all the Karstarks and Mormonts and other lesser Northern houses – speak with the working-class Yorkshire accent. They are signifying with their accents that they are local, men of the North, citizens of somewhere rather than citizens of nowhere.

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What are the accents in Game of Thrones?

Although George R. R. Martin is American and the show is directed towards American audiences, everyone in Game of Thrones speaks in some sort of British accent. Going through some of the characters with accents: Ned Stark has a northern accent (actually Sheffield). Robb Stark has a northern accent (actually Scottish). What is the most annoying accent in England?

The Cockney accent
The Cockney accent is officially the most annoying accent in Britain.

What kind of accent does Robb Stark have?

Richard Madden (Robb Stark): Madden grew up just outside of Glasgow, Scotland. He has a Glasgow accent typical of the region. As Robb, he uses a northern English accent to sound like Sean Bean. Is Game of Thrones based on British history? Is "Game of Thrones" inspired by England's bloody history? George R. R. Martin has said that “Thrones” is loosely based on the bloody feuds of medieval warring factions as they battled for the English throne in the 15th century.

What kind of accent does Emilia Clarke have?

A. Share this article: ENGLISH actress Emilia Clarke is no stranger to Irish accents. The star spent many months in Northern Ireland filming scenes for hit series Game of Thrones, which featured hundreds of local extras. What accent does Emilia Clarke have?

Irish accent
From there she headed back to have a hoedown with her Southern US voice. All before finishing up like a good lass with a cold can of Guinness and her Irish accent. But as much fun as it was to hear her many voices, watching her do them was even more entertaining.

What accent does Sean Bean have?

Yorkshire accent
Bean is often described as "down to earth" and has retained his Yorkshire accent. Is King Joffrey a psychopath? Joffrey is hurting people, killing people, and delighting in it. He's also an extreme case, because he's not very charming and doesn't cover it up at all. In that way he's a completely over-the-top sadistic sociopath.

Is varys good or evil?

Lord Varys, also known as "the Spider", is a major anti-villain from the A Song Of Ice And Fire novels and the Game Of Thrones TV series. He is the enigmatic member of the small council and Master of Whisperers, the spymaster for the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms.

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