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What happens to Kate at the end of The Thing 2011?

Close to the end of The Thing (2011), Kate Lloyd burns the snow vehicle (or did she blow it up, one of the two). After that we are left to our own devices on her fate.

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What is The Thing in the movie?

The Thing/Movies Where did Childs go in The Thing? The missing persons theory states that Childs disappeared while MacReady and the others went to place explosives around the camp. This certainly looks bad for Childs. MacReady also goes missing long enough to be assimilated by the creature, but with one main difference: he later passes the film's famous blood test.

Is MacReady or Childs The Thing?

Even back in 2004, when Carpenter had an idea for a sequel, he planned on having both Childs AND MacReady return. The writers and producers agree that neither were The Thing, even the actors themselves were told to act as if they weren't The Thing. When was Blair infected? Scenario 2 - Blair was infected at some point by Norris or Palmer, when he was locked in the tool shed. This probably would have occurred during the hour-long blackout when a fuse was blown (probably by the Norris-Thing) and Fuchs died.

Did Palmer sabotage the blood?

The blood supply would have had to be destroyed shortly before Blair was taken to the tool shed so it had to be when Blair was destroying the radio. Therefore Palmer was most likely The Thing that sabotaged the blood supply. Who sabotaged the blood in The Thing? It's unclear when Palmer and Norris assimilated, but it's possible that one of them picked up the keys after Windows dropped them, destroyed the blood supply, and returned the keys somehow. With this in mind, most fans have pointed their fingers at Palmer, accusing him of the sabotage.

Who was the first to get infected in The Thing?

While Blair may have been infected on a cellular level when he autopsied the first remains of the thing early on in the film, it was slowly infiltrating his entire body, copying him slowly, to the point that Blair might have realized what was going on, causing his intense paranoia, enough to where he breaks down What does the Norwegian shout at the beginning of The Thing? While the Norwegian pilot's dialogue in the opening scenes isn't subtitled, it roughly translates to "Get the hell away! It's not a dog! It's imitating a dog! It's not real!

Who wrote The Thing 1982?

Production. The screenplay was written in 1981 by Bill Lancaster, son of Burt Lancaster. The film's musical score was composed by Ennio Morricone, a rare instance of Carpenter not scoring one of his own films.

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