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Who kills Darth Vader?

Darth Sidious
During the battle, Anakin, who had been known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader, was redeemed by Luke and brought balance to the Force. However, the redemption cost Anakin his life, having been mortally wounded by the Emperor, Darth Sidious, while killing his former Master.

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What is Darth Vader in Dutch?

"Vader" is the Dutch word for "father" (the Dutch word is instead pronounced "fah-der"), and the German word for "father" (Vater) is similar. However, in the earliest scripts for Star Wars, the name "Darth Vader" was given to a human Imperial general. How does Anakin become Darth Vader? Desperate to save Padmé, Anakin intervenes on Palpatine's behalf and disarms Windu, allowing Palpatine to kill him. Anakin then pledges himself to the Sith, and Palpatine dubs him Darth Vader.

Was Vader ever on Exegol?

Vader safely navigated through the Red Honeycomb Zone and landed on Exegol's surface with Ochi. Who kills Obi-Wan? It struck home, cutting Kenobi cleanly in half.” Obi-Wan was still going to be killed by Vader and disappear, but the Sith Lord's death-blow was supposed to cut Obi-Wan in half vertically. The scene would have been reminiscent of what Obi-Wan ended up doing to Darth Maul on Tatooine.

Did Luke ever talk to Anakin?

(Even at the end of Episode VI, Luke didn't say anything to the Force ghost Anakin that appeared at the Endor celebration.) With Luke actually meeting Anakin in his Force ghost form, they'd probably have a lot more to talk about than just the sacred texts. Who is Darth Vader son? Darth Vader/Children

What is Darth Vader called in Germany?

The Answer: According to George Lucas, "Darth" is a variation of "dark," while "Vader" means "father." (The Dutch word for "father" is "vader," but is pronounced differently; the German "vater" has a closer pronunciation to the name.) Did George Lucas always know Vader was Luke's father? Lucas has always liked to claim that he had the entire Star Wars saga planned from the beginning - including the twist that Darth Vader was Luke's father. He explicitly said as much in an introduction to the 25th anniversary edition of the novelization of A New Hope.

Who married Anakin?

Padmé Amidala
The wedding of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala took place in 22 BBY by way of secret ceremony at the Varykino lake retreat in Naboo's Lake Country. The ceremony was officiated by a Pontifex of the Brotherhood of Cognizance named Maxiron Agolerga. The only witnesses to the marriage were the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO.

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