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Why did Kelly's eyes turn yellow?

Kelly places Castiel's hand on her belly and the two sense the child kicking. However, Kelly's eyes flash gold, indicating possession by her own child.

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Does Kelly have Lucifer's baby?

Jack Kline (b. ) is the son of Lucifer and Kelly Kline. He is the first and only known Nephilim to be sired by an Archangel. Jack was taken in by Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester who would teach him how to master his powers. Why is Sam Lucifer's true vessel? Now knowing his destiny, Sam decides to join up with Dean again to prevent it in The End. In Changing Channels, it was revealed by Gabriel that Sam is Lucifer's vessel because his relationship with his father mirrors that of Lucifer and God's.

Why are Azazel's eyes yellow?

Azazel seems to be the only yellow-eyed demon. It's been implied that he was king of Hell while Lucifer was trapped (although I don't think it was outright stated; he may have just had a high rank), and has been called the "tyrant who held the demons all together" by another black-eyed demon. How did Azazel become fallen angel? After the high priest symbolically transferred all the sins of the Jewish people to the scapegoat, the goat destined “for Azazel” was driven into the wilderness and cast over a precipice to its death. Azazel was the personification of uncleanness and in later rabbinic writings was sometimes described as a fallen angel.

What are famous sayings?

The Most Famous Quotes

  • “Fortune favors the bold.” – Virgil.
  • “I think, therefore I am.” – René Descartes.
  • “Time is money.” –
  • “I came, I saw, I conquered.” –
  • “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” –
  • “Practice makes perfect.” –
  • “Knowledge is power.” –
  • “Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it.” –
What is a good senior quote? Memorable Yearbook Quotes
  • “You can't move forward without saying goodbye to the past.”
  • “If you follow your dreams, you are capable of anything.”
  • “Your future is only as good as the work you put into it.”
  • “The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.”
  • “I've learned from the bad times and was humbled by the good.

Does family end in blood?

Like the book (And the show) says: Family don't end with blood, and will ALWAYS have your back, and that is exactly what this fandom is - a family.... And I have never felt more a part of that family than while reading this book. What is the most powerful quote? 21 of the World's Most Powerful Quotes Updated For Today

  1. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi.
  2. “Everybody is a genius.
  3. “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” — George Bernhard Shaw.

What are 5 positive quotes?

Top Positive Quotes

  • “The best is yet to be.” –
  • “Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.” –
  • “Do good and good will come to you.” –
  • “A positive mindset brings positive things.” –
  • “Positivity always wins…
  • “When things go wrong, don't go with them.” –
  • “Live life to the fullest and focus on the positive.” –
  • “Keep looking up…

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