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What house was Moaning Myrtle in at Hogwarts?

Moaning Myrtle

Born in the late 1920s to Muggle parents, Myrtle Warren started her Hogwarts life in the early 1940s, where she was sorted into Ravenclaw.

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What house is Trelawney?

House Ravenclaw
Sybill Trelawney
Hogwarts HouseRavenclaw
WandHazel and unicorn hair, 9 1/2 inches long, very flexible
Special AbilitiesA Seer, though the gift is unpredictable and unconscious
Is Dumbledore a Gryffindor? During his time as a student, Dumbledore was in Gryffindor House. Rowling said in an interview that Dumbledore was about 150 years old. However, on her website, she states that Dumbledore was born in 1881, making him either 115 or 116 at the time of his death.

Who is the head of Gryffindor after McGonagall?

HouseHeadTerm of office
GryffindorMinerva McGonagall1970s–1998
Neville LongbottomBy 2008
HufflepuffHelga HufflepuffMedieval times
Pomona Sprout?–pre 2017
Who was the Slytherin ghost?
The Bloody Baron
The Bloody Baron: Slytherin house ghost

A hot-tempered sort of fellow, who was responsible for the death of the Grey Lady, aka Helena Ravenclaw. In his living days, he was simply known as The Baron.

Is McGonagall an Animagus?

Professor McGonagall is what is known as an Animagus. This is a witch or wizard who can transform into an animal whenever they want. The process for becoming one is long and tough, with lots of complicated steps. You need to be skilled at Potions, as well as Transfiguration, to have a chance of being successful. Who cleans Hogwarts? Filch is the cantankerous caretaker of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He is the creator of the best cat name of all time. He also happens to be a Squib ― a non-magical individual who is born to a magical parent. As caretaker, Filch is tasked with overseeing the cleanliness and general upkeep of Hogwarts.

Who is McGonagall's husband?

Elphinstone Urquart
Is Filch a janitor? Argus Filch was a Squib and the caretaker of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since around 1973.

Is Mrs Norris the wife of Filch?

And Filch talks to her like she's a human and calls her "my sweet." It's clear she's a maledictus, married Filch when she was still able to take human form, and then she succumbed to the blood curse and became permanently a cat, but Filch still loves her as his wife. It is the only.

De Lyns

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