Casa > H > How Does Varys And Tyrion Know About Jon?

How does Varys and Tyrion know about Jon?

Short answer: Sansa told Tyrion, who told Varys. Original Question: How did Varys and Tyrion find out Jon was a Targaryen? Short answer: Sansa told Tyrion, who told Varys.

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Why does vary betray Daenerys?

Varys betrays Daenerys because he's only ever had one motivation: to protect the realm. Varys himself says he's served more rulers than anyone else in the Seven Kingdoms. He saw the madness of Daenerys's father firsthand, and he's there when Joffrey ascends to the throne for his short, but brutal, reign. Why did Shae testify against Tyrion? Shae was thought to have loved Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones until she betrayed him for his manipulative father, Tywin Lannister. Shae was thought to have loved Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones until she betrayed him for his manipulative father, Tywin.

What did Varys do to the wizard?

Varys is known as "the Eunuch" in King's Landing due to a horrific mutilation he suffered as a child. As Varys explains, a sorcerer castrated him and burned his genitals as part of a dark ceremony. During the ritual, Varys says that the sorcerer spoke in a foreign language and a voice answered him. Who was in the Box Game of Thrones? He was a slave boy who was purchased by a wizard. The wizard then gelded him as part of some magical ritual and left him for dead. Varys survived and vowed to avenge himself one day. The man in the box is implied to be the wizard that Varys had finally managed to locate.

Was Varys a unsullied?

So, its widey recognized that Varys was castrated as some sort of Fire+Blood ritual (similar to Stannis with the leaches). Why does Varys not like Melisandre? Lord Varys Has Plenty of Reasons to Hate Melisandre

In fact, he dislikes her long before he ever meets her, back when she believes Stannis is "The Prince That Was Promised." Believe it or not, his distaste for her is not personal. Varys hates all forms of magic and those who practice it — for good reason.

What did the Flames tell Varys?

She responded to this comment by telling Varys that everything that happens is happening through the will of the Lord and that everyone is where they are because it is his will. This was followed up by Kinvara pointing out that he was in the position he needed to be because of what happened to him where he was a child. Is Varys a woman? Varys is a woman and Aegon is the son of her and Illyrio.

For starters we need to look at what we know about Varys. She is repeatedly refered to as a eunuch and a master of disguise.

Can a woman be a eunuch?

There were two basic types of female eunuchs: the “complete” type in which the uterus and ovaries were removed, and the type where only the ovaries were removed.

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