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Was Maz a Jawa?

According to the theory, she was actually one of the first characters we ever met in the first film. Maz Kanata was a Jawa. Maz Kanata is a short, force sensitive alien, with an affinity for eyes and an apparent connection to the Skywalker family.

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Does et say ET phone home?

The Movie. In the ET never says, "E.T. phone home". It's always been, "E.T. home phone". What are ET's powers? Botanopathy: E.T. possesses the ability to have an extrasensory connection with plant-life, capable of making plants grow without water via his mind. Telekinesis: E.T. is shown to have telekinesis as he is able to levitate, move, immobilize, and manipulate objects with his mind.

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The Flag of Earth, designed by James W. Codle in 1970. It consists of a blue circle, representing the earth, on a black background. Is Coruscant possible? Could a planet like Coruscant exist? The surprising answer is maybe, and it would sort of be like Hong Kong spread all over the world. If we assume continued food production improvements as seen over the last 50 years, we could carry around 73 billion people on Earth in 100 years and 640 billion in 200 years.

Is there gonna be an ET 2?

E.T could have come back to Earth in a sequel, but Steven Spielberg decided not to move forward with it – and it was for the better. Here's why. E.T the Extra-Terrestrial could have had a sequel, but Steven Spielberg ultimately decided not to move forward with it. Does ET get home? On Halloween night, Michael and Elliott dress E.T. as a ghost to sneak him out. Elliott and E.T. head through the forest, where they successfully call home.

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AT-STs are crewed by two pilots, one who controls the weaponry while the other drives the walker. What are Sith eyes? Sith have yellow eyes because once they embrace the dark side of the force, their eyes will turn yellow. There are different points of corruption by the Dark Side, and once they reach a certain point their eyes will turn yellow. Star Wars is a popular trilogy and a favorite for many.

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Shmi Skywalker
The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. Who was his father?" Shmi Skywalker and her baby, Anakin Skywalker Believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, Anakin Skywalker was born to the slave Shmi Skywalker.

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