Casa > I > Is Théoden In Love With Éowyn?

Is Théoden in love with Éowyn?

Though Eowyn is Theoden's niece, it is clear that their relationship is closer than that of uncle and niece. Not only does he call her sister-daughter but also daughter and even dearer than daughter. This is in part due to the fact that Eowyn and Eomer's parents died when they were young, and Theoden raised them.

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Does Grima Wormtongue love Éowyn?

that's quite right. Grima did have the hots for Eowyn and Eomer had a hunch already though he was not able to proove it until Gandalf came. How old is Legolas? According to the movie people, Legolas is 2,931 years old - and according to the book people, Aragorn was born in the year 2931 of the Third Age, meaning that during the quest his birth year is the same number as Legolas's age.

How old was Éowyn in Lord of the Rings?


CharacterAge in years
Who is Aragorn's wife?

What is the prophecy of Glorfindel?

After the battle finished, and the Witch-king had fled, it was Glorfindel who predicted that no mortal man would ever destroy the Witch-king. This prediction was fulfilled a thousand years later at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, when Éowyn of Rohan and Meriadoc Brandybuck, a hobbit, slew the Witch-king. What does Théoden say to Éowyn? In the film The Return of the King, Théoden says goodbye to Éowyn in person, saying, "I go to my fathers in whose mighty company I shall not now feel ashamed." He then whispers his daughter's name, dying with his final statement unsaid.

How Éowyn kills Witch King?

In the film, Éowyn is being held by the dark villain, but is released when her hairy-footed friend sneaks up behind the Witch-king and stabs him in the leg. The blade glows brightly and is then destroyed, as all weapons are when used on the Nazgûl. What was Théoden going to tell Éowyn? From Théoden's puzzled look and unsentimental address—”I know your face”—to Éowyn's refusal to believe what is evident: “I am going to save you.” You are glad that these two people have found each other in the welter of war, and that Theoden does not go to his fathers alone.

What happens to tauriel?

Tauriel's fate

Tauriel was banished from Mirkwood by Thranduil, so what happens to Tauriel after the Battle of Five Armies remains unknown, although actress Evangeline Lilly stated in an interview that Tauriel returns to Mirkwood.

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