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Why did Ellaria poison Myrcella?

Outcome. The Assassination of Myrcella Baratheon is an event late in the War of the Five Kings, orchestrated by Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes in an attempt to draw Dorne into conflict with House Baratheon of King's Landing as revenge against Cersei Lannister for her role in the death of Oberyn Martell.

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Was Rhaegar Targaryen married?

Rhaegar Targaryen/Spouse How old was Rhaegar when Jon Snow was born? They married at a very young age (Aerys was 15 and Rhaella either 13 or 14). Rhaella gave birth to Rhaegar in 259 AC, at the age of either 14 or 15. Viserys was born in 276 AC, so 17 years after Rhaegar (Rhaella had many miscarriages, difficult pregnancies and stillbirths during these 17 years).

Is Lyanna Stark Ned's sister?

Lyanna Stark was the only daughter of Rickard Stark, and younger sister to Ned. Rhaegar was actually married to Elia Martell, while Lyanna was betrothed to Robert Baratheon. Who is Rhaegar Targaryen son?

Aegon Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen was the son of Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia Martell. He had an older sister, Rhaenys Targaryen, and a younger paternal half-brother also named Aegon but raised under the name, Jon Snow.

Who did Rhaegar marry first?

Season 4. Oberyn Martell, the brother of Rhaegar's first wife Elia, comes to King's Landing for the first time since Rhaegar and Elia's wedding many years before, seeking vengeance for his sister's murder. Is Rhaegar the night king? Now, though, people have begun to suspect that the Night King and Jon Snow also share a familial connection. Because, yup, they reckon that Rhaegar was somehow turned into the Night King after he was murdered by Robert Baratheon.

Is Elia Martell Lyanna Stark?

Lyanna was betrothed to Lord Robert Baratheon, the young head of House Baratheon, while Prince Rhaegar, heir to the Iron Throne, was married to the Dornish princess Elia Martell per a political arrangement. In truth, Lyanna had not been kidnapped. Did Lyanna Stark ever love Robert Baratheon? The story as we first hear it is this: Lyanna was happily in love with and betrothed to Robert when Rhaegar, son of the Mad King Aerys Targaryen, kidnapped and hid her away. Robert started a war to retrieve his love, killing Rhaegar and taking his father's throne.

Who was Jon Snow's father?

Jon Snow/FatherPrince Rhaegar Targaryen, Daenerys's older brother and the former heir to the Iron Throne, is Jon Snow's birth father.

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