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How smart is an elephant?

Elephants are exceptionally smart creatures. They have the largest brain of any land animal, and three times as many neurons as humans. While many of these neurons exist to control the elephant's large and dexterous body, these creatures have demonstrated their impressive mental capabilities time and time again.

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How big is an elephant when it's born?

3 ft.
On average, newborn calves stand about 1 m (3 ft.) high and weigh 120 kg (264 lb.) at birth. Newborn male African elephants may weigh up to 165 kg (364 lb.). Why are elephants afraid of pigs? Taking a page for the playbooks of Indian military leaders, the ancient Greeks and Romans decided to fight beasts with beasts. Pigs, they learned, emitted a loud, annoying squeal that would so scare the elephants that the pachyderms would flee in fright.

How many months do elephants stay pregnant?

Ultrasounds reveal how elephants remain pregnant for 22 months. Nothing about elephants is small, and their pregnancies are no exception. Before giving birth to a 110-kilogram calf, mothers carry the fetus for 22 months, the longest gestation period of any mammal. How do elephants pee? It takes 20 to 40 seconds to empty a bladder, whether the animal can hold 1 liter of liquid in its body or 100. “It has to do with the design of the bladder,” Hu tells Popular Science. In other words, it's all in the urethra, the bodily pipe that moves urine from the bladder out of the body.

Where do male elephants go?

Males. Adult male elephants are solitary in nature but may associate with other bulls (adult males) in small, unstable groups. Males will leave the family unit (natal unit) between 12 and 15 years of age. How do elephants drink? Elephants suck water up part way into their trunk and then use the trunk to spray water into their mouth to drink. The trunk is a combination of an elephant's nose and upper lip, used to touch, grab, hold and smell.

How much does an elephant poop a day?

Tons of Elephant Dung

An elephant can produce up to 100 kilograms, or 220 pounds, of dung per day. This means they also defecate about 12 to 15 times each day. Over the span of a year, an elephant will produce over 40 tons of dung.
Do elephants bite? You're not being attacked and killed for food, and you're less likely to be bitten and clawed to death. Instead, elephants are one of the few animals that can actually crush you. Even when having sex, elephants can hurt one other with their weight.

How can you tell if an elephant is happy?

10 Easy Steps to Understanding Elephant Body Language

  1. Look out for the following body language when you next come across elephants:
  2. Tails: Just like a dog, when an elephant's tail is swishing from side to side swatting away flies, it is happy.
  3. Eyes: An elephant's eyes can tell you an incredible amount.

De Viviana Yagin

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