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Why is the red wedding so shocking?

Game of Thrones' Red Wedding remains the series' most shocking moment for just how brazen it is. It's a disturbing plot twist and a violent one at that which makes it difficult to watch. But on a more emotive level, it's the slow build-up and visceral execution that leaves a mark.

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Who does Robb Stark love?

Talisa later goes to comfort Robb. After she reveals more of her past to him they admit their shared feelings for one another and have sex. Talisa and Robb marry. Why do they call Eddard Stark Ned? Diminutive of EDWARD or EDMUND. It has been used since the 14th century, and may have had root in the medieval affectionate phrase mine Ed, which was later reinterpreted as my Ned. Eddard is based on one of these "root" names - Edward - hence the nickname.

Is Eddard Stark dead?

Although Ned's execution appeared legitimate, there is sufficient evidence in both the HBO series and the Song of Ice and Fire books to support the theory that he may yet be alive. Who kills Joffrey? At the conclusion of the dinner, however, Joffrey dies from poisoned wine. Tyrion is falsely accused and arrested by Cersei in A Storm of Swords (2000) but it is later revealed that Lady Olenna Tyrell and Lord Petyr Baelish were the true perpetrators.

How old was Daenerys when she married Khal Drogo?

In the books, Daenerys is just 13 years old when she is married off to a Dothraki warlord named Khal Drogo, in exchange for an army for Viserys, Dany's older brother who wanted the Iron throne. How old is Sansa in each season? Robb ages from 14 to 17, Sansa from 11 to 13, Arya from 9 to 11, Bran from 7 to 10, and Rickon from 3 to 6. This means that Robb dies at around 19/20 and Rickon dies at 11 years of age. In GOT's final season, Sansa is 20, Arya is 18, and Bran, now the Three-Eyed-Raven, is 17.

Who is torturing Theon Greyjoy?

Ramsay Snow
Theon takes Winterfell from Robb's brother, Bran, but eventually is betrayed by his own men, which leads to his capture by House Bolton. He is tortured and forced into servitude by Ramsay Snow, who turns him into a broken pet named Reek. Who kidnapped Theon Greyjoy?
Eddard Stark
Ten years before the events of the series, Theon was taken hostage by Eddard Stark. He would have been executed had his father Balon displeased King Robert Baratheon. Theon was raised at Winterfell with the Stark children and developed a close friendship with Robb Stark.

Does Sansa have a child?

Does this mean the Targaryen line could outlive the Starks in the end? Arya won't marry and Bran and Sansa won't have kids. The Starks are now extinct.

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