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What does BB-8 stand for?

Internally BB-8 was originally called "Ball-Bot". JJ Abrams previous explained why he named the droid BB-8: "I named him BB-8 because it was almost onomatopoeia. It was sort of how he looked to me, with the 8, obviously, and then the 2 B's."

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Did R2 know Anakin was Vader?

Star Wars Theory: R2-D2 Didn't Know Anakin Skywalker Became Darth Vader. R2-D2 served Queen Amidala and later Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by C-3PO. Unlike the golden protocol droid, R2-D2 never had a full memory wipe, so he was well aware of all events that happened around him. What class of droid is a droideka?

destroyer droids

Originally built by the Colicoids, destroyer droids – generally known as droidekas -- were among the most formidable Separatist battle droids, feared for their deadly combination of speed, firepower and defensive capabilities. Even Jedi gave these killing machines a wide berth.

Why do they call droidekas destroyers?

The droideka (a compound word combining the Basic word "droid" with the Colicoid suffix eka, meaning "hireling" or "drone"), also called the destroyer droid (destroyers for short), death balls, wheel droid, roller, or rollies in clone trooper slang, was a type of heavy battle droid used by the Trade Federation and the What's the best astromech droid? The number one best droid in the galaxy is, of course, R2-D2. R2's home planet was Naboo and he is an R2 astromech type droid.

How does bb8s head stay on?

Floating head

BB-8's head isn't attached to his body, it stays stuck-on with magnets. Some magnets attract while others repel.
Is BB-8 a boy or a girl? Like, until recently, whether we should be calling BB-8 "he" or "she." There's been much speculation about BB-8's gender identity, but today we finally have a definitive answer: BB-8 is a boy.

What was Ahsoka's droid?

R7-A7, as Ahsoka Tano's personal astromech droid, was loyal to her personally as well as the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order. He remained loyal to Tano even after her departure from the Jedi, and immediately agreed to assist her in her flight from the clones after the issuance of Order 66. Why does Rex call ahsoka sir? Even as a young Padawan, Ahsoka has proven herself in battle many times over, often saving the lives of clones and, at times, even saving her own master. By calling her “sir” the clones are letting Ahsoka know that they accept her being in command, and respect her word as a leader.

What is the name of C-3PO's robot companion in Star Wars?

Programmed for etiquette and protocol, Threepio was built by a young Anakin Skywalker, and has been a constant companion to astromech R2-D2.

De Phillip Melikyan

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