Casa > A > Are Astoria Greengrass And Draco Malfoy Related?

Are Astoria Greengrass and Draco Malfoy related?

Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass) (c. 1982 – 2019) was a British pure-blood witch. She also was a member of the Greengrass family, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Astoria began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1993, two years below her husband, Draco Malfoy, and her elder sister, Daphne Greengrass.

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Why did Astoria Greengrass marry Draco?

In fact, the show puts forward Draco married Astoria as an act of rebellion because she was anti-blood purity and morally opposed to everything Voldemort had stood for. How did Astoria Greengrass and Draco Malfoy meet? Early History. Draco and Astoria met when Draco was 4 years old and Astoria was 2 years old at a play date. Back than Astoria was just the kid sister to Daphane Draco's playmate.

Is Astoria Greengrass the same age as Draco?

Astoria's older sister Daphene and Draco Malfoy are the same age having started Hogwarts together in 1991. Astoria is two years yonger that Draco, meaning that the pair has rarly had any real contact with each other with the exception of pure-blood parties. Was the Greengrass family a Death Eater? The reason this idea came to be is most likely because we have very little contact with the Greengrass sisters throughout the books and there are no known Death Eaters by the name of Greengrass but neither are they known to have opposed Voldemort. That's most likely why people take them to be a neutral family.

Is Daphne Greengrass a Death Eater?

Early life. Daphne lead a cushy life with children her age. However, she realized the truth of Death Eater life quite quickly, and realized her sister had a fascination with Muggles, and knew how her father would react if he discovered the truth about his daughters. Why did Draco and Pansy break up? J. K. Rowling has said that Pansy did not end up marrying Draco because Rowling always hated her: "I loathe Pansy Parkinson. I don't love Draco but I really dislike her. She's every girl who ever teased me at school.

How old is Daphne Greengrass?

Loyalty. Daphne Greengrass (b. 1979/1980) was a pure-blood witch and a member of the Greengrass family, an old wizarding family and one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight. She began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1991 and was sorted into Slytherin House. Who does Cho Chang marry? Cho became Harry's first crush and the only ex-girlfriend he had before marrying his wife, Ginny Weasley. However, Cho's dating history was more coloured during her seven years at Hogwarts, from Roger Davies, to Cedric Diggory, to Harry, to eventually marrying a muggle.

Who did Draco take to the Yule Ball in the movie?

Pansy Parkinson
Draco MalfoyPansy Parkinson
Fred WeasleyAngelina Johnson
Albus DumbledoreOlympe Maxime
Pomona Sprout

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