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Is Darth Plagueis a snoke?

Snoke Is Not a Sith Lord

During the time of The Force Awakens, many fans theorized that the next film would reveal Snoke to be Darth Plagueis, the Sith master who taught Palpatine the ways of the dark side.

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Who is Anakin Skywalker's father?

Shmi Skywalker
The Force is unusually strong with him, that much is clear. Who was his father?" Shmi Skywalker and her baby, Anakin Skywalker Believed to have been conceived by the midi-chlorians, Anakin Skywalker was born to the slave Shmi Skywalker. How did Palpatine meet Plagueis? According to the novel Darth Plagueis, young Palpatine first discovered the temptation of the Dark Side of the Force while collecting Sith artifacts. As a young man he met Plagueis, a Muun who was also known as Hego Damask, an interstellar businessman.

Who trained Mace Windu?

Padawan Windu was trained in the ways of the Force by Jedi Master Cyslin Myr. How long did Darth Plagueis live? 4 Darth Plagueis

When Anakin turned to Palpatine for help on how to save his wife's life, Palpatine told him the story of Darth Plagueis. It wasn't much of a story. All Palpatine really said about Plagueis was that he found a way to cheat death. In reality, Plagueis only lived for about 115 years.

Was Anakin forced baby?

This then led Qui-Gon to believe that Anakin was born from the force itself and that Anakin was a creation of Midi-chlorians, which is why he had such a high concentration. Did Palpatine create snoke? It is revealed that Palpatine had created Snoke as a puppet to lure Ren towards the dark side, and to reclaim the galaxy through the First Order.

Is Anakin Palpatine's son?

Confirmed: The Emperor Was Anakin's 'Father'

Yes, Star Wars fans, Darth Vader #25 confirms that Anakin Skywalker was the result of Dark Side/Midi-chlorian manipulation inside of Shmi Skywalker's womb - performed personally by Emperor Palpatine.
What was Ahsoka's Midichlorian count? If I had to guess I would think she has around a 13k-14k midichlorian count. I say this because anakin describes her abilities as “advanced” at a young age and that she is young to be a padawan. By rebels she is rivaling Vader and I think would easily rival many Jedi masters of the prequel era by that time.

What was Darth Maul's Midichlorian count?


De Craggy Striplin

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